Цифров научен архив


Aвтор: 'Шукерова, Соня Алексиева' (orcid: '0000-0002-9495-9305')


(1977) Главен асистент в Катедрата по екология и опазване на околната среда (от 2017 агроекология и опазване на околната среда) , д-р Родена в гр. Смолян. Завършва СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", специалност екология и опазване на околната среда и втора специалност учител по биология (2001). Асистент в катедрата по екология и опазване на околната среда при АУ - Пловдив (2009). Защитава докторска дисертация (2010 - "Хелминти и хелминтни съобщества на рибите от Биосферен резерват Сребърна"), главен асистент (2011).


1. Шукерова, Соня Алексиева
2. Shukerova, S.
3. Shukerova, S. A.
4. Shukerova, Sonya
5. Shukerova, Sonya A.
6. Shukerova, Sonya Alexieva



   CHUNCHUKOVA, Mariya. Research of the impact of the river Danube on the Srebarna biosphere reserve by the model ecosystem Abramis brama - macroinvertebrates - sediments. / Mariya Chunchukova, Sonya Shukerova, Diana Kirin. // Аграрни науки , 8, 2016, № 19, с. 151-158.

Рез. на англ. ез. С библиогр.

Сист. N: 7991

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П 2685


   SHUKEROVA, Sonya. Cadmium content in two cyprinid fish species from the Danube river / Sonya Shukerova, Mariya Chunchukova, Dimitrinka Kuzmanova. // Аграрни науки , 9, 2017, 22, p. 37-42

Сист. N: 8447

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   ACCUMULATION of lead in barbus barbus, alburnus alburnus and in their common parasite pomphorhynchus tereticollis from River Danube (Vetren Area), Bulgaria : [електронно издание] / Mariya Chunchukova, et al., Diana Kirin, Sonya Shukerova, Dimitrinka Kuzmanova. // Scientific Papers, Series D. Animal Science LX, 2017, p. 323-326

Сист. N: 9201

   HELMINTH fauna of white bream (Blicca Bjoerkna) (Linnaeus, 1758), from the srebarna biosphere reserve Bulgaria : [електронно издание] / Sonya Shukerova, et al., Diana Kirin, Mariya Chunchukova, Dimitrinka Kuzmanova. // Scientific Papers, Series D. Animal Science LX, 2017, р. 366-371

Сист. N: 9212

П 1881


   SHUKEROVA, Sonya A. Helminth Communities of Roach Rutilus rutilus (L., 1758) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria / Sonya A. Shukerova, Diana A. Kirin. // Acta zoologica bulgarica , 71, 2019, 2, p. 285-292

Сист. N: 8375

BIODIVERSITY and ecological appraisal of the frishwater ecosystem of the river Arda, Bulgaria

   BIODIVERSITY and ecological appraisal of the frishwater ecosystem of the river Arda, Bulgaria. Biodiversity and ecological appraisal of the frishwater ecosystem of the river Arda, Bulgaria. / Diana Atanassova Kirin, V. Hanzelova, Sonya Alexieva Shukerova, Stefan Hristov Hristov, L. Turcekova, M. Spakulova, T. Barciova. // Scientific Papers, Series D. Animal Science , 56, 2013, series D, p. 341-348

Рез. на англ. ез. С библиогр.

Сист. N: 5991

HELMINTH communities of fishes from the river danube and lake Srebarna, Bulgaria

   HELMINTH communities of fishes from the river danube and lake Srebarna, Bulgaria. Helminth communities of fishes from the river danube and lake Srebarna, Bulgaria. / Diana Atanassova Kirin, Vladimira Hanzelova, Sonya Alexieva Shukerova, Stefan Hristov Hristov, Ludmila Turcekova, Marta Spakulova. // Scientific Papers, Series D. Animal Science , 56, 2013, series D, p. 333-340.

Рез. на англ. ез. С библиогр.

Сист. N: 5992

BIODIVERSITY, bioindication and helminth communities of Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Danube river and Lake Srebarna, Bulgaria

   BIODIVERSITY, bioindication and helminth communities of Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Danube river and Lake Srebarna, Bulgaria. Biodiversity, bioindication and helminth communities of Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Danube river and Lake Srebarna, Bulgaria. / Diana Atanassova Kirin, Vladimira Hanzelova, Sonya Alexieva Shukerova, Dimitrinka Kuzmanova. // Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Science , 2014, Spec. iss. 1, p. 727-733.

Рез. на англ. ез.

Сист. N: 6199

KIRIN, Diana Atanassova

   KIRIN, Diana Atanassova. Biological diversity and ecological evaluation of fresh water ecosystems from the Arda river, Bulgaria. / Diana Atanassova Kirin, Sonya Alexieva Shukerova. // Scientific articles ecology , 2, 2006, № 1, р. 201-208.

Сист. N: 7171

KIRIN, Diana Atanassova

   KIRIN, Diana Atanassova. Biodiversity and heavy metal pollutions in freshwater ecosystems, Arda river, Bulgaria. / Diana Atanassova Kirin, Sonya Alexieva Shukerova. // Multifunctional agriculture and rural development : Thematic proceedings from international scientific meeting, Beograd-Beocin, Serbia, 1, 6-7 december 2007, p. 486-495.

Сист. N: 7189

SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva

   SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva. Helminth fauna of the Prussian carp, Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782), from the Srebarna biosphere reserve, Bulgaria. / Sonya Alexieva Shukerova. // Trakia Journal of Sciences , 3, 2005, № 6, р. 36-40.

Сист. N: 7191

HELMINTH fauna of the Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus,

   HELMINTH fauna of the Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus,. Helminth fauna of the Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. / Sonya Alexieva Shukerova. // Scientific articles ecology , 2, 2006, p. 217-223.

Сист. N: 7192

SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva

   SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva. Ecological study of helminth fauna of Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Linnaeus, 1758) and accumulation of heavy metals in some helminths and rudd from the protection area Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. / Sonya Alexieva Shukerova. // Multifunctional agriculture and rural development : Thematic proceedings from international scientific meeting, Beograd-Beocin, Serbia, 1, 6-7 december 2007, p. 515-516.

Сист. N: 7193

SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva

   SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva. Helminth communities of the rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. / Sonya Alexieva Shukerova, Diana Atanassova Kirin. // Journal of Helminthology , 82, 2008, iss. 4, p. 319-323.

Рез. на англ. ез.

Сист. N: 7194


   IQBAL, Z. Occurrence of black spot disease in Labeo rohita (Hamilton) fry in carp fish Hatchery Lahore, Pakistan. / Z. Iqbal, Sonya Alexieva Shukerova, I. K. Minhas. // The Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences , 8, 2014, № 1, р. 2727-2731.

Рез. на англ. ез.

Сист. N: 7195

SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva

   SHUKEROVA, Sonya Alexieva. Endohelminth communities of the perch Perca fluviatilis (Perciformes, Percidae) from Srebarna Biosphere Reserve, Bulgaria. / Sonya Alexieva Shukerova, Diana Atanassova Kirin, V. Hanzelova. // Helminthologia  , 42, 2010, № 2, р. 99-104.

Сист. N: 7196

ШУКЕРОВА, Соня Алексиева

   ШУКЕРОВА, Соня Алексиева. Хелминти на сладководни риби от Биосферен резерват Сребърна. / Соня Алексиева Шукерова. Сборник докл. от науч. конф. на млади учени, Пловдив, 2005, с. 254-260.

Сист. N: 7190